The Comfort Zone!

Recently, I was asked to deliver a series of life coaching workshops to a group in Falkirk. I was so excited and grateful to have been given this opportunity and seen it as a brilliant business opportunity with the chance to have regular consultancy work with the company. I immediately said YES!!

I was then told that the group consisted of ten late 50’s / early 60 year old men who had been unemployed for a long period of time. Some of them had severe mental health issues and others had recent criminal convictions. I was required to do workshops on confidence, self-esteem and positive mindset….

Talk about a potential tough gig!! 

It was…..I was met with extreme resistance and was constantly challenged about what I was sharing with them. The idea of thinking about their thinking and how they were feeling was initially dubbed as stupid and if I even mentioned a celebrity inspirational role model, it was rejected on the basis that “that guy is loaded, so what’s he got to worry about”.

I was pushed well outside my comfort zone and had to think outside the box on many occasions coming up with different activities to reinforce what I was teaching. To do this I had to ask for help from my wee inner guide and the mantra “be myself and be of service” was on constant replay in my head.

The double dose of Dream Magic in the morning also helped to power me up mentally and physically!!

At the end of the workshops I am delighted to report that I got a massive rounds of applause and the feedback was excellent – yaaayyy!! A few even said that what I had spoken about had really sunk in and they were going to see situations in a different way going forward.

Personally, I feel that I have learned loads from the experience.

My goal for the next one is to teach them the benefits of mindfulness and meditation….wish me luck!!

In what ways can you push yourself out of your comfort zone??

Eat Well, Move Well, Think Well, Take Dream Magic 💚❤️💙

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