Step it Up!!

This week I stepped up 🙌🙌!!

I went all in when teaching my yoga classes 🧘‍♂️.

There were candles, meditation, hands on adjustment, oils as well as some new asanas. The feedback I received was amazing - yaaayyy 😍!!

On reflection, I guess I have always felt a bit of an imposter when it comes to teaching yoga.

74% of us suffers from Imposter Syndrome at some point in our lives. We think that we aren’t good enough and we are going to be “caught out”. In most, if not all cases, the thoughts we have are completely unjustified - we are GOOD ENOUGH and we do DESERVE to be in the role that we are in.

So, whilst I am a fully qualified yoga teacher and have been teaching classes for years, I have had that little voice in my head niggling away saying that I wasn’t good enough because:-

💚I didn’t train to be a Yoga teacher by fully immersing myself in the yogi way for months in India or Bali (I wish) - I chose to be trained by a UK company instead.

❤️I can’t do the splits or stand on my head without some form of support.

💙I don’t follow a vegetarian or plant based diet 100% of the time.

💚I struggle with the Sanskrit pronunciation of the asanas.

As a result of these thoughts and the fear of being judged, I have held myself back and have been scared to be the Yoga teacher I truly want to be.

Until this week - I gave myself a wee challenge to try new things in class, stretch myself (literally 😜) gently out of my comfort zone and be ME. It felt incredible!!

FEAR - Face Everything and RISE!!



  • gAqMIVCGzTyt

  • uXcTLKls


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